Murder: Includes homicide, non-negligent manslaughter, and voluntary homicide. It excludes attempted murder (classified as felony assault), negligent homicide, involuntary homicide, or vehicular manslaughter, which are classified as other violent offenses.

Rape: Includes forcible intercourse, sodomy, or penetration with a foreign object. It does not include statutory rape or non-forcible acts with a minor or someone unable to give legal consent, nonviolent sexual offenses, or commercialized sex offenses.

Robbery: Includes unlawful taking of anything of value by force or threat of force. It includes armed, unarmed, and aggravated robbery, carjacking, armed burglary, and armed mugging.

Assault: Includes aggravated assault, aggravated battery, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault or battery on a law enforcement officer, and other felony assaults. It does not include extortion, coercion, or intimidation.

Other violent offenses: Includes vehicular manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, negligent or reckless homicide, nonviolent or non-forcible sexual assault, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, child or spouse abuse, cruelty to a child, reckless endangerment, hit-and-run with bodily injury, intimidation, and extortion. (